
Vörunúmer: S350239

Verslun/markaður, Smoby

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Verð: 23.490 kr.
Product info

You will be able to run your business thanks to this pretty market!
Composed of several game spaces, the supermarket has a lot of fun functions to play vendor!
Your friends can use the scale to weigh vegetables: the displayed weight is adjusted according to the foods weighed.
And use the barcode reader.
The cash register has a money drawer, a dummy microphone, and a credit card reader.

Many accessories are included to brighten play functions up: 4 dummy boxes (pasta, cookies, cereals, milk), 6 fruits and vegetables, 1 tart, 2 macarons, 2 cans, 1 electronic barcode scanner with sound and light, 1 credit card, 4 receipts, 9 coins, 12 bills, and 1 trolley.

2 LR03 batteries not included.
For children aged 3 years and over